Breeches 3-4-2020 3/4/20

The air temp was cool and there was a stiff wind blowing. I thought the day might be a downer until this rainbow hit. A 15 incher to start the day...not bad.
We were fishing the run from Childrens Lake. This run flows into the Breeches. The previous rainbow was hiding in the riffles above.
Little better pic of the run. Great place to fish but it gets tons (and I mean "tons" of pressure. These fish have seen every fly that God has created and they…
Adding to the pressure, this stretch is so accessabe that you don't even have to walk more than 20 feet from the car to fish.
I call this spot the "Bowl". Fast water from the lake rushes through the culvert and trout live on the bottom. Keeping the fish on the hook in the fast water…
Gary and I took turns fishing the bowl. We were pulling these dark browns off the bottom.
We both got a few but early in the morning, I had a couple fish on but couldn't bring them to net. So, fewer fish pictures that there should have been.
Every once in a while I like to try my hand at videos. This one turned out pretty well.
All the fish we got looked like they had been in the run for a while. They had nice color and were really healthy.
This was one of the nicer fish we caught....or Gary caught. I expect it went about 16 inches.